Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Perception Management- Realism Revisited

The US is innovating on strategies for elaborating and refining the application of Morgenthau’s national interest defined as power principle. The most promising strategy in the American arsenal is the multi-dimensional public diplomacy campaign. A host of institutes and projects are commissioned with the task of providing PR services for the US foreign policy.

The Freedom Promotion Act 2002 instructed the US secretary of State to make public diplomacy an integral component in the planning and execution of US foreign policy

Established in the spring of 1997, the Project for the New American Century is a non-profit, educational organization whose goal is to promote American global leadership.

The U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy is a bipartisan panel created by Congress and appointed by the President to provide oversight of U.S. Government activities intended to understand, inform, and influence foreign publics.

America Abroad Media provides in depth analysis of international affairs and facilitates cross cultural discussion of international issues and America’s role in the world.

Business for Diplomatic Action is a private sector task force with the mission to enlist the US business community in actions to improve in the world with the goal of once again, seeing America admired as a global leader.

The Office of Global Communications was formed in 2002 to coordinate strategic communications overseas with regard to American policies and values -- with greater clarity and through dialogue with emerging voices around the globe.

The contributions of John W. Rendon, Charlotte Beers, Karen P. Huges cannot be under-estimated; the recent appointment of Sada Cumber as US Special Envoy to the Organization of Islamic Countries adds a new dimension the US public diplomacy campaign.

The US has added a new dimension of ‘perception-management’ to the power projection principle of Realism.

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